legal, health care, road, residential and commercial construction, banking, investment, graphic arts, crop and animal farming, insurance, advertising, food processing, public and private education, personnel recruitment, optometry, dentistry, pharmaceuticals, architecture, telecommunications, computer services, regional business development, IT, telecom-networking, print media, accounting, auditing, oil and gas, power generation, aerospace, religion, politics, music, arts, film, etc. 

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W H A T S A P P :   +1 ( 4 1 5 )  5 6 8 - 1 6 7 7 

​  2024  |  PRIVACY POLICY  

​​​E M A I L :   M A X K O T C H  @ Y A H O O . C O M

I N T E R P R E T E R  /  T R A N S L A T O R  /  C O N S U L T A N T 




"Struggling to provide for his family in the wake of WWII at the age of 16, my father would approach anyone heard speaking English in Moscow streets with a simple greeting: “Can I be of any help to you?” This simple greeting brought him from Moscow’s cafes to the New York’s UN headquarters, and it has brought me to translating for pig farmers, punks, politicians and presidents. 

And so I ask you: ​

​Can I be of any help to you?"

​Hello! My name is Maxim Kotchetkov.

I offer highly professional translation and interpretation from Russian into English and vice versa. 
I have over 30 years of international experience with cross-cultural and multidisciplinary turn-key projects as a linguist and consultant...

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I offer services in the following areas of expertise: